
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Wilson Oliveira” ,找到相关结果约43579条。
Desigualdades étnico-Raciais: Formula es identitárias e lutas por reconhecimento
Wilson Oliveira
Espacio Abierto , 2012,
Abstract: This article examines the importance of struggles for recognition in transforming conditions of ethnic and racial inequalities. The material used was collected during research into the community of afro-descendents Manoel do Rego (Cangu u - Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and consisted of gathering information about community history, participant observation and interviews. Research has shown that changes in conditions of ethnic and racial inequality resulted from political processes of identity formulation based on the conversion of community members to Lutheranism and religious mediation. The article concludes that economic and status disadvantages and cultural disrespect are inseparable dimensions of struggles for recognition
All-around care for patients with Chagas disease: a challenge for the XXI century
Oliveira Jr, Wilson de;
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0074-02762009000900024
Abstract: in 1987, the university of pernambuco's oswaldo cruz hospital in recife, brazil opened its chagas disease and heart failure outpatient clinic with the aim of providing its patients all-around care through adoption of a biopsychosocial model of care. all-around care involves caring for the patient as a whole human being in the context of the biological, psychological and social factors present, which are an inherent part of the human condition. one prerequisite for the proposed model of care is the participation of a multidisciplinary team of trained technical staff committed to this framework. although the main focus of the service is on care, teaching and research are also an important part of its work. the pernambuco association of chagas disease patients is guided by the same model of care and has been carrying out educational activities relating to the disease, its treatment and support for patients and family members for several years. this association plays an important role in advocating to public authorities on behalf of patients. the accumulated experience of the past 22 years has shown us that a broad vision of health care can help clinicians and policy makers to make decisions that are more in tune with the everyday reality of the patient, which in turn has a positive impact on adherence to treatment and quality of life.
Internet e Cultura: um novo olhar, veloz e voraz
Wilson de Oliveira Souza
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social , 1999,
Abstract: Em cada piscadela que damos, um novo mundo enxergamos. Com a globaliza o, o modo de ver o mundo muda radicalmente, principalmente devido ao complexo ritmo ditado pelas rela es entre o meio ambiente e seus usuários. De forma sintetizada, podemos explicar que a globaliza o é resultado da terceira revolu o tecnológica (tecnologias ligadas à busca, processamento, difus o e transmiss o de informa es; inteligência artificial; engenharia genética), da forma o de áreas de livre comércio e blocos econ micos interligados (como o Mercosul, a Uni o Européia e o Nafta) e da crescente interliga o e interdependência dos mercados físicos e financeiros em escala planetária. Essa trinca é responsável pela altera o, principalmente, da nova forma de enxergarmos a cultura, aceitando que a mundializa o da cultura é um processo em curso, n o concluído ainda, na qual as formas culturais nacionais ou locais entram em contato rapidamente. Com isso, quedam as barreiras territoriais, for am as media es e criam, no dizer de Featherstone, a "terceira cultura", entendendo como "um conjunto de práticas, conhecimentos, conven es e estilos de vida que se desenvolvem de modo a se tornar cada vez mais independente dos Estados-Na o".
Significados e Usos Sociais da Expertise na Militancia Ambientalista
Ferreira de Oliveira,Wilson José;
Av?? , 2009,
Abstract: esse artigo examina os significados e as lógicas sociais da utiliza??o de recursos de expertise no ativismo ambientalista. os procedimentos analíticos concentraram-se numa história social do setor de prote??o ambiental e na investiga??o da diversidade de esferas e de redes sociais articuladas às trajetórias familiares, escolares, militantes e profissionais dos militantes do rio grande do sul. os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os significados e a utiliza??o da expertise no ativismo ambiental, est?o associados a padr?es distintos de reconvers?o da forma??o e do exercício profissional em diferentes esferas de atividade, com base nos vínculos anteriores e/ou simultaneos estabelecidos pelos militantes com redes diversificadas de organiza??es e "movimentos sociais".
Gênese e redefini??es do militantismo ambientalista no Brasil
Oliveira, Wilson José Ferreira de;
Dados , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0011-52582008000300007
Abstract: this article examines the conditions under which environmental activism emerged and evolved in brazil from 1970 e 2006. the idea was to introduce a conceptual discussion on the relations between "opportunity structures", "political processes", and "individual involvement" in the emergence of mobilizations and collective protests. the methodology consisted of biographical interviews with three different generations of activists, focusing on the meanings associated with the use of academic training in activism, the principal modalities of militant careers, and the types of resources and social ties that support the activists' concepts and practices. the research showed that the period under study constitutes a milestone for the emergence of new patterns for reconverting university and professional training into militant resources for action in the "environmental field".
Assessment of soft profile characteristics in Amazonian youngsters with normal occlusion
Oliveira Junior, Wilson Maia de;
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S2176-94512012000100009
Abstract: objective: the present study aimed to determine from a sample of amazonian youngsters, with normal occlusion, the mean values for soft profile characteristics using cephalometric radiographs obtained in lateral norm. methods: the cephalometric radiographs of the 30 youngsters, being 15 males and 15 females, with mean age of 21.6 years old, were assessed. for statistical analysis, central tendencies and dispersion measurements (mean and standard deviation) were used and, for both the comparison of the mean values of males and females and the correlations between the measurements of the soft profile and bony profile, the unpaired student's t-test was applied. results and conclusion: after obtaining statistical data, parameters were set based on the cephalometric norms regarding the specialized literature, revealing that all variables presented a normal distribution pattern. there was sexual dimorphism for the following measurements: anb, nap, ans-me, n-ans, sn'-me', and n'-sn'. norms were determined for all the assessed measurements. statistical differences were observed between the norm found in the present study and those found in the specialized literature.
Os usos da educa??o no militantismo ambientalista
Oliveira, Wilson José Ferreira de;
Pro-Posi??es , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-73072009000200006
Abstract: this article examines the social conditions and the logic that bases the uses and reconversion of higher education for professional practice in the defense of environmental causes. the methodology consisted of biographical interviews with three different generations of activists from rio grande do sul, focusing on their social origin, the meanings associated with the use of academic education in militancy, the main kinds of militant careers, and the types of resources and social ties that ground activists' practices. the research showed that environmentalism is a social space for reconverting school and university education into professional action in different spheres of activity, based on resources and ties established by activists with political parties, organizations and social movements in the course of their familial, schooling and professional routes.
Engajamento político, competência técnica e elites dirigentes do movimento ambientalista
Oliveira, Wilson José Ferreira de;
Revista de Sociologia e Política , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-44782008000100011
Abstract: this article examines the conditions and the dynamics of the use of technical abilities in political activism. notwithstanding differences pertaining to different approaches, one of the constant themes within both national and international literature deals with the growing importance of educational resources and of technical legitimacy in recruiting and selection for leadership positions within environmental organizations. based on research on the main leaders of environmental mobilizations and organizations between 1970 and 2004, we have seen that the use of technical abilities for the exercise of leadership functions has been a result of the dynamics of an increasingly diversified higher education system and of the greater articulation between educational background and political engagement, as leaders position themselves within a range of organizations and "social movements" over the course of their family, educational, political and professional trajectories. the methodological procedures employed here consist of biographical interviews carried out with leaders of different types of environmental associations meant to capture the itineraries that have led them to political engagement, the meanings given to professional training and the types of resources and social ties that support their conceptions and activist practices. our main conclusions demonstrate that, rather than "technical activism", the situation is characterized by a strong interrelationship between the exercise of technical functions within environmentalism, a simultaneous participation in multiple networks of organizations and "social movements" and occupation of positions in different social spheres as based on the resources and political ties accumulated through such participation.
Social networks, professional reconversion and participation in environmental protection councils and bodies in Rio Grande do Sul
Oliveira,Wilson José Ferreira de;
Teoria & Sociedade , 2008,
Abstract: this article analyzes the types of social resources that support the entrance and the interventions of environmentalist leaderships in state environmental protection committees. regular participation in formal environmental protection bodies has been presented in the literature as one of the main ingredients of the current trend of the institutionalization and professionalization of environmental activism. the analysis of the forms of insertion of environmentalist leaderships in diverse networks of organizations and ?social movements' and of the standards of professional reconversion through environmental defense shows that its interventions are based on political practices and concepts that result from the diversification of the use of school and university education as an instrument of politicalization for professional activities in different spheres of activity. this diversification of the base and forms of professional activities of leaders caused a considerable increase in the number of associations and, more importantly, in confrontations and divisions among the main organizations. therefore, it is a structure of segmented relations, although it is strongly concentrated in some associations, that constitutes the pattern of articulation and intervention of environmentalist organizations in environmental protection bodies.
Significados e Usos Sociais da Expertise na Militancia Ambientalista
Wilson José Ferreira de Oliveira
Avá : Revista de Antropología , 2009,
Abstract: This article examines the meanings and the social logics of the use of resources of expertise in the environmental activism. The analytical procedures were centered in the analysis of the social history of the environmental protection sector and in an inquiry into the diversity of spheres and social networks articulated with family, educational, political and professional histories of the activists in the Rio Grande do Sul state. The results obtained demonstrate that the meanings and the use of expertise in the environmental activism are associated the distinct patterns for reconverting university and professional training in different spheres of activity, on the basis of previous and/or simultaneous bonds established by activists with diversified networks of organizations and 'social movements'. Esse artigo examina os significados e as lógicas sociais da utiliza o de recursos de expertise no ativismo ambientalista. Os procedimentos analíticos concentraram-se numa história social do setor de prote o ambiental e na investiga o da diversidade de esferas e de redes sociais articuladas às trajetórias familiares, escolares, militantes e profissionais dos militantes do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os significados e a utiliza o da expertise no ativismo ambiental, est o associados a padr es distintos de reconvers o da forma o e do exercício profissional em diferentes esferas de atividade, com base nos vínculos anteriores e/ou simultaneos estabelecidos pelos militantes com redes diversificadas de organiza es e "movimentos sociais".

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